The Linux Discoverer Day 2023 is over and has left lasting impressions. Both our experts and the helpers had many exciting conversations. We were able to help with some problems, gave advice and new Linux installations saw the light of day. Not only visitors tried out Ubuntu and Linux Mint on our computers; the younger ones played games and even a mini-robot drove around the event. A real hustle and bustle!

For us as an association, the discovery day was a complete success. What we have noticed: apparently there is a lack of a platform to exchange ideas even with less Linux knowledge. Let’s see how we can push the issue further. In any case, this was not our last event on the topic of Linux and open source software. Stay up to date with our newsletter.

Couldn’t you be there? Feel free to leave us a wish as to which Discovery Day you would look forward to.

We would like to thank the supporters, without whom the event would not have been possible. Thanks to all experts, helpers and synyx, Exxeta, AWO, mondmotte as well as Engineering Steinegger. It was nice!


IT-Rettungsring 🆕

Heinz hilft bei technischen Schwierigkeiten oder Problemen mit deiner Software.

Fühl dich nicht allein!

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