That was the Linux Discoverer Day 2023

That was the Linux Discoverer Day 2023

The Linux Discoverer Day 2023 is over and has left lasting impressions. Both our experts and the helpers had many exciting conversations. We were able to help with some problems, gave advice and new Linux installations saw the light of day. Not only visitors tried out...
Safer Internet Day #OnlineAmLimit

Safer Internet Day #OnlineAmLimit

Have you ever had your smartphone in your hand in the toilet? Watch a movie in the evening or scroll through the timeline? Social media and digital devices are ubiquitous, and that’s neither good nor bad, per se. Are we “maxed out online”? That is...

What is behind ChatGPT?

An interview by Nadine with Peter What is ChatGPT? A so-called artificial intelligence with which you can enter into conversation via chat. You can think of the chat as being similar to Signal, Threema or WhatsApp, except that with ChatGPT you chat with an artificial...

Update from school

In the “Blind Cow on the Internet AG” children can learn about the Internet and programming. This was the 9th time the AG took place and we had a great time learning and playing together. A total of 14 children, mostly girls, participate in the AG. They...

IT-Rettungsring 🆕

Heinz hilft bei technischen Schwierigkeiten oder Problemen mit deiner Software.

Fühl dich nicht allein!

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