Linux Discovery Day

Linux Discovery Day

Try out Linux and perhaps install it directly with experts? Come by the Linux Discoverer Day 2023! Linux is a free and secure alternative to Windows or MacOS and offers everything that is needed every day on a PC or laptop. If you want to learn more about this, check...

Update from school

In the “Blind Cow on the Internet AG” children can learn about the Internet and programming. This was the 9th time the AG took place and we had a great time learning and playing together. A total of 14 children, mostly girls, participate in the AG. They...
With edudea to elementary school

With edudea to elementary school

Exciting offer for 3. and 4th grade digital literacy and programming at the Grundschule am Wasserturm in Karlsruhe. In October our AG “The Blind Cow on the Internet” starts led by Christina and Roland. With the AG we want to support the children in their...

IT-Rettungsring 🆕

Heinz hilft bei technischen Schwierigkeiten oder Problemen mit deiner Software.

Fühl dich nicht allein!

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